It’s late and you’re tired. You worked a full day and the kiddos are asleep and you just want to sit. BUT, you have a cloud over your head. This was the week- the week you were going to start working out… but so far it just hasn’t “worked out” . Yesterday you planned to take that spin class at lunch but a meeting popped up and Tuesday, you got up before work to fit in the short workout you saw on Pinterest but nope, the second you were up, so were the kids wanting breakfast... at 5am.
And now, as you sit, you feel guilt and frustration. You just want to feel better but you can’t seem to figure it out. What do you do?
Here’s what we’re going to do.
We are going to start easy. We are going to take 15-30 minutes 3 days a week for the next month and go from there. You’re going to cycle through these workouts for 4 weeks- each week adding 2.5 more minutes to your time block.
During this next month you’re going to make it a priority- block your time out and do it. Let your partner feed those kids breakfast or, block your calendar so meetings don’t foil your plans.
I want you to check in. Check in- tell someone about your successes and talk about what is holding you back. With me, your spouse, your neighbor, your mom, your sister, with anyone that will support and cheer you on.
How to:
For the next month you will be cycling through the three full body, body weight workouts below. We are going to do these as time based so, you only need a timer. You will start with a 3-5 minute warm-up like this. Following your warm-up you will set your timer for the following time (based on the week) and do as many rounds as possible in that given amount of time (1 round= 1 set of each exercise all the way through). Rest as much as you need and drink water.
Week 1: 10 minutes
Week 2: 15 minutes
Week 3: 20 minutes
Week 4: 25 minutes
Workout A (Link to workout can be found HERE)
Squat to lunge x 8 each leg
Push-ups (knees or elevated- definitely elevated if pregnant) x 10
Wall sit x 30 seconds
Side Plank (kneeling if pregnant) x 30 seconds (each side)
Mountain climbers (knees up if pregnant) x 15 ea leg
Workout B (Link to workout can be found HERE)
Step ups x 12 each leg
Inverted row x 12
Glute Bridge x 15
Plank (or elevated plank) x 30 seconds
Jumping jacks x 30 seconds
Workout C (Link to workout can be found HERE)
Curtsy Squat x 10 each
Diamond push-ups x 12
Donkey kicks x 15 each
Triceps dips x 12
Plank jacks x 25
Don't forget t have fun!
Have questions or need support? Email me here!
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